Classroom Awards Ceremony


Are you nearly at the end of your school year? If so, read on........

If you are only partway through your school year, read on anyway because you might like to save this idea. It's a good one! 

Nearly everyone loves to be recognized, and one way to leave your students feeling special and important is to have an end-of-year classroom awards ceremony.

I know you might think coming up with a unique award for each student would be a challenge. Don't worry—I've got you covered!

This is your last opportunity to positively impact your students' feelings about music class, the school, and their self-worth. 

You tell them they matter by giving them a positive message at the end of the year; you will also be planting the seed for their future teachers and bosses.

Class awards are an easy way to show the students you've given some thought to them individually. Each award says something specific about them, which goes a long way with just about anyone.

You can print them out and give each student an award or take it to the next level and hold a full-on awards ceremony. I suggest the latter, as it would be a better overall experience for everyone, including yourself.


Have an Award Ceremony in Your Classroom

Here's how I would do an awards ceremony in my classroom. On the day of the event, I would start the class by telling every student that for the next 45 minutes, nothing but positive words would be spoken in our classroom.   

Setting this expectation from the start is essential to fend off any unnecessary comments as awards are handed out.

Have the pre-printed awards in a stack at the front of the class, projected on the board so that everyone can see them as they are given out. Ask a student to read the complete award and then guess who the award goes to, or call the recipient to the front of the class.

Depending on your school policy, you might consider taking photos during the ceremony. With the correct permission, these could be uploaded to the school's social media pages and added to the newsletter. You could also create a hashtag for them (e.g., #MaloneyMusicAwards).   


Class Awards Done for You

Here is the best part. You don't have to create the awards yourself. I've already done it for you.

The MTR Music Award Certificates contain over 118 EDITABLE certificates, which allow you to add students' names to each certificate! 


While many other classes deal with a lack of engagement or discipline issues, you can take advantage of making a memory your students will remember for years to come!


Wishing you a smooth road to the end of the year. 


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